Erh! Still feel dizzy... x( I went to Vivo City with Marielyn and his bro, JR, today. I sat on the blue spinnig chair at the playground for more than 30 seconds! I fell on the floor when I tried to get off the chair even though it stopped! :o Ive never felt so dizzy in my entire life! And its all thanks to Marielyn's bro and some sweet little girl who allowed me to sit on it. :) Oh! After that me and Marielyn sat together on the spinnig chair! xD It was so squeezy but at least I was sitting closely to her. Hehe. :) We both felt like puking after that. x( Then it was JR's turn. He tried a couple of times but he kept bailing out. :P After that we had a drink and went home. OH! Almost forgot! xP Before we went to the playground, we went to the arcade. Wait. Let me start all over. The main reason we went to Vivo City is becoz I wanted to change my wallet that I bought at Rip Curl coz it sucks. :P Since it was the day after me and Marielyn being together for 8 months, I've decided to do some stuff with her after I've changed my wallet. :) JR had to come along becoz Marielyn was forced to bring him along. :( It was hard for me and Marielyn to get some space coz he kept squeezing in between us. x) I guess its quite fun that he came along. We get to mess with him and all. x) After I've changed my wallet, we then went to the arcade. :) It was so fun! We played air hockey, basketball, the dancing game, Tekken 6 and the GoGo Ball! :D The air hockey sucks coz the chip always get stucked to the side. Me and Marielyn made a good team when we played the basketball game. :) For a girl who don't really like sports, she's actually good at basketball. :) We only managed to make it to the second stage. :( All we needed is another 9 more points to get to the third stage. Erh! So wasted. xP Then we played the dancing game. I forgot what's the name. :P We looked like a total noob! xD We kept pressing the wrong arrows but at least we made it to the final stage. :) I scored more than her. Haha! I'm not even good at dancing. :P I played the drum game thingie but I lost twice. x( Stupid game.. Made me look like a noob drummer. =.= After that, we played Tekken 6. I can't believe that she beat me the first time! :o *GASP* Actually, I gave her chance. :) We played again and this time I beat her. Hehe. No more Mr Nice Guy for the second time. x) After she had lost, JR played with me. I beat him too. x) Haha! I felt so powerful! WAHAHAHA! xD And wrong too. I felt like some bully. xP Then we played the GoGo Ball. Haha! We get to throw balls at some stupid stuff on the screen. x) We threw balls at mosquitos, a banshee, egg-looking students who fell asleep in class and cute little ghosts. :) Marielyn was scared of the banshee! xD She cuddled me when she saw the banshee crawling towards us. :) And ERH! It was so disappointing. After we've played the GoGo Ball, I tried to win some soft toy at the crane machine but I didn't. :( I tried thrice but I still didn't get one. Don't you think its embarassing if you fail to give something that your girlfriend wants and you have to win it? GAH! Dx
I guess that's all. I'm so tired. (~_~) Oh! I was so lucky that I forgotten to ask Marielyn for my wallet at the bus. :) Only she knows why.
OK! I wanna sleep already! BYE! Zzzzz......
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Regret cutting my hair/ She looks hot in pink/ Did some Additional Maths
This is a 3-in-1 post. x) Pretty cool huh?
Today in the morning, I've decided to cut my hair short cuz I think that my hair is getting to curly like some noodle. :P My mum said that my hair will be straighter if I cut them short. I learnt a lesson today. Never believe totally what your parents said. After I've cut my hair, I realise it's still curly! What the hell. =.= Now I don't look cute anymore. :( But Marielyn said I look handsome with this hairstyle. I dunno.. x) I kinda miss my curly and long hair.. :( I looked waaaaaaaaaaaaay awesomer than now. Ouh~ Regret! Regret! REGRET I TELL YOU!!! Dx
At 4pm, I went to Beauty World to buy school pants. Then I walked around the place while waiting for Marielyn to come. That place is so boring. Seriously. After I was sick of walking around, I just sat at Mcdonald's. I ate French Fries while watching Zombieland on my PSP while waiting for her to come. And wow.. She wore this pink dress. She's so hot. x) Was she wearing perfume? Hey Marielyn! Did u wear perfume just now? Why did you smell so good? xD I felt like kissing her at that moment but there's a lot of people there at Mcdonald's so I didn't. :( Garh! It's our 8th month anniversary and I didn't get to kiss her. Bummer~ :(
She took her A Maths homework the first thing she came. She didn't know how to do most of the questions so I helped out. :) I was a bit rusty in doing the questions but I manage to get the answers right! YEY! xD It took us one hour just to do two questions! xP But I did most of the workings ok.. x) Then, I had to rush home cuz my dad called. Yeah.. Guess that's all. Today was great. :) You guys should know why..
Today in the morning, I've decided to cut my hair short cuz I think that my hair is getting to curly like some noodle. :P My mum said that my hair will be straighter if I cut them short. I learnt a lesson today. Never believe totally what your parents said. After I've cut my hair, I realise it's still curly! What the hell. =.= Now I don't look cute anymore. :( But Marielyn said I look handsome with this hairstyle. I dunno.. x) I kinda miss my curly and long hair.. :( I looked waaaaaaaaaaaaay awesomer than now. Ouh~ Regret! Regret! REGRET I TELL YOU!!! Dx
At 4pm, I went to Beauty World to buy school pants. Then I walked around the place while waiting for Marielyn to come. That place is so boring. Seriously. After I was sick of walking around, I just sat at Mcdonald's. I ate French Fries while watching Zombieland on my PSP while waiting for her to come. And wow.. She wore this pink dress. She's so hot. x) Was she wearing perfume? Hey Marielyn! Did u wear perfume just now? Why did you smell so good? xD I felt like kissing her at that moment but there's a lot of people there at Mcdonald's so I didn't. :( Garh! It's our 8th month anniversary and I didn't get to kiss her. Bummer~ :(
She took her A Maths homework the first thing she came. She didn't know how to do most of the questions so I helped out. :) I was a bit rusty in doing the questions but I manage to get the answers right! YEY! xD It took us one hour just to do two questions! xP But I did most of the workings ok.. x) Then, I had to rush home cuz my dad called. Yeah.. Guess that's all. Today was great. :) You guys should know why..
Friday, December 25, 2009
Random pics!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Squeeze like an apple!
Hey! :D Yesterday we went to Bugis, then Marina Square, then Esplanade with the OBS guys. Just wanted to be with her 24/7 that's all. :) And its been a while since I went to those places too. The 3 malay guys are hilarious! xD They're also friendly too. I felt like an extra being there cuz its suppose to be an outing for the OBS guys. xP Oh well. It was fun. :) I was surprised when Fadhil, one of the malay guys, showed me a picture of Zac Efron at some shop and told me I look like him. xD I was like looking at Marielyn and we were both smiling. We don't think I look like Zac. :) Zac is one of my idol if you guys don't know. I just like the way he dresses and someday I wish to have a body like him. Heh. ANYWAY, someone broke her promise. :) You shouldn't have promise you know. Now you feel guilty. Oh yah! And we ate some expensive chocolate coated marshmallows that costs 6 bucks on our way back home! D:
Okie, think that's all I have to say. Here are the pictures I took with my phone when we were at a corner of Marina Square where she poured a sachet of Ovaltine powder all over me when she's supposed to pour it on my mouth! Dx Hate my hair..
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
I wanna say I miss you!!!
Hi. I hope Marielyn's ok. She's not that strong and I think OBS may be a bit tough for her. ):
I'm so worried..
Don't want anything bad to happen to her. I MISS HER!!!!! D':
I wanna hug her right now!!! )':
Its so weird. Last night she could text me but tonight she can't. ): I replied her text last night but she didn't reply me back. WHAT HAPPENED?? O.O
I'm so worried..
Don't want anything bad to happen to her. I MISS HER!!!!! D':
I wanna hug her right now!!! )':
Its so weird. Last night she could text me but tonight she can't. ): I replied her text last night but she didn't reply me back. WHAT HAPPENED?? O.O
Friday, November 20, 2009
Retro Nite
Yesterday, I've decided to follow Marielyn to school for rehearsals before Dunearnite starts. It was raining heavily and we got drenched! I got drenched the most! D: Her hair was not even wet! We took the taxi to school. When she was doing her rehearsal, I played with my PSP blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Then, we ate lunch. The free food was actually nice. :) Or maybe I'm hungry? I dunno. After that, we changed into our retro outfits and wow! Marielyn look so retro! XD Her fringe especially! I don't think I look so retro. I wore this khaki tight pants and a collar shirt that's all. Ooh! And I wore Marielyn's heart-shaped glasses! XD She was not using it so I wore it. :) I didn't go to my seat when the show was about to start. Instead, I went backstage to meet my baby bear. ;) And also to disturb the perfomers. :) At the end of the show, I came to the stage and played with the confetti! XD I accidentally shot myself with the confetti and my fingers felt numb for a while. I also accidentally shot Muslim on the face. XP Hehe. :) He was so mad at me..
Argh... My face still hurts.*rubbing my cheeks* I told Marielyn to slap me coz I was bored. Heh. It felt good. :) But now its not. X( Then, we took the bus home. :) At her bus stop, she gave me a birthday gift. Scroll down to the previous post to see how it looks like! :D That's all I have to say I guess. Oh! And I ate two Ramli Burgers for dinner! XD
Okie! Hastala vista!
Argh... My face still hurts.*rubbing my cheeks* I told Marielyn to slap me coz I was bored. Heh. It felt good. :) But now its not. X( Then, we took the bus home. :) At her bus stop, she gave me a birthday gift. Scroll down to the previous post to see how it looks like! :D That's all I have to say I guess. Oh! And I ate two Ramli Burgers for dinner! XD
Okie! Hastala vista!
The bestest birthday gift ever!
This wonderful gift was from someone that I love so much...... She's Marielyn of course. :) Look at the cover of the book! Its a drawing of me with a hoodie! :D As yall can see, the wonderful gift is a book. Even though its just a book, it contains a lot of meaningful stuff to me. This book will be one of my most valuable possessions. If my house was on fire, this book will be the first thing I'll grab. I cried for half an hour when I read the book. Hehe. Its just so touching! :') Oh? You guys wanna know what's inside?? Well there's.......................
Haha! Its top secret! :) Its for me to know and for you guys to never find out!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tags: Me, Marielyn, Orchard, 2012
Today, me and my baby bear went to Orchard for the whole day! YEY!!! XD After how many weeks without seeing her, we've finally get to meet! Ok first, we went to Cineleisure to watch 2012. Waaaaaaaaaah! Great movie! :D But its so sad that a lot of people that they love died. :(
Almost cried. Heh. The movie was really long. Its about 3 hours and 40 minutes long. I thought everyone is gonna die. Its actually about the end of the world right?? Then why people can still survive?? O.o Oh well, at least its a nice movie. Then, we went to Heeren, Takashimaya, Wisma and ION just to find a pair of leggings and a retro heart-shaped glasses! D: I didn't even buy something. :( I wanted to buy a shirt but that lady was busy looking for her stuff. Being a nice boyfriend, I helped her out. After that we decided to go home but halfway there, she decided to find a pair of shoes at IMM but she didn't find what she want. Hah! I didn't even get to find what I want. :( Being a nice boyfriend again, I paid for her taxi fare. We took the taxi back home coz we're late to get home. Oh, we didn't take any pictures coz she don't want to. Yeah. Haizz.. Its a the day before my birthday and I didn't get anything that I want. What a bummer.. Oh well. At least I get to meet her. I guess its not so bad. Ugh! Now she didn't wanna talk to me on MSN. Double the bummer. :(
That's all for today folks. Out.
Almost cried. Heh. The movie was really long. Its about 3 hours and 40 minutes long. I thought everyone is gonna die. Its actually about the end of the world right?? Then why people can still survive?? O.o Oh well, at least its a nice movie. Then, we went to Heeren, Takashimaya, Wisma and ION just to find a pair of leggings and a retro heart-shaped glasses! D: I didn't even buy something. :( I wanted to buy a shirt but that lady was busy looking for her stuff. Being a nice boyfriend, I helped her out. After that we decided to go home but halfway there, she decided to find a pair of shoes at IMM but she didn't find what she want. Hah! I didn't even get to find what I want. :( Being a nice boyfriend again, I paid for her taxi fare. We took the taxi back home coz we're late to get home. Oh, we didn't take any pictures coz she don't want to. Yeah. Haizz.. Its a the day before my birthday and I didn't get anything that I want. What a bummer.. Oh well. At least I get to meet her. I guess its not so bad. Ugh! Now she didn't wanna talk to me on MSN. Double the bummer. :(
That's all for today folks. Out.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Give Me Novacaine
This song is stuck in my head right now. :) I believe novacaine is something to cure the swelling of your gum. I guess this song is basically about him being heart-brokened and he wanted a cure for that. Sweet song~ Enjoy. :)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Feel bloated.. ~_~
Hey oh! Today was fun. (:
Firstly, i went to my bro's graduation thingie. He performed the modern malay dance well. (: well, his whole class did it well too. Before the thing starts, I helped out my aunt, who is the teacher of my bro's class, with the hairstyling! :D I did some crazy hairstyles on the kids! Hehe! So fun. (: My mum was worried that I did something bad to their hair. :P When taking the private bus to to SCGS with my bro's class, I messed around with the kids and they seem to like me. Hehe. I wonder why kids like me so much. Am I clown or something? O.O Oh yeah, and there's this girl from another class who's so sensitive. She went to one corner and cried with dis funny angry face! XD HAHAHAHAHA! Cannot stop laughing sia.. :'D
After that, I went to 3monkeys' cafe at Holland Village. I ate dis huge burger called the MIGHTY JOE! Its the most biggest burger I've ever seen and ate! It was the first time I ate a burger and felt bloated. Usually I'll still be hungry when I eat a normal size burger. I was the only one who finished eating the whole burger. My uncle and 3 cousins who chose to eat the burger didn't finish it. That makes me the winner! Haha! Feel so powerful right now! XD But the odd thing was that, my cousin said that I looked like I've lost a lot of weight even after eating THE MIGHTY JOE! Heh? Hey Syibli, do I look like I've lost a lot of weight? I don't think so. I think I look the same. ): I'm trying to gain weight but instead, I lose weight. Wth. My metabolism must be strong. REALLY strong. Haizz.. I still feel bloated right now. ~_~
Then went to Botanic Gardens. At night. (: My mum was so scared of the croaking sound that the frogs made. Haha! She held my cousin's hand the whole time. I saw some teenagers taking photos of the place and all. I wonder why nowadays teenagers like taking photos. Is it cool or something to take pictures everywhere?? O.o Well I guess its ok to treat it as hobby but not a habit. The place is so dark. And there were couples having picnic. So romantic sia.. I think they'll be there until the next morning. Ouh!! Marielyn!! When are we gonna do that?? I wanna stare at the stars above us with you just a centimetre away from me until the next day. (: Yey! We're gonna watch 2012 on the day before my birthday, which is on next Tuesday! :D YES!! I miss you so badly Marielyn..
Ugh! Hope my throat will get well when we meet. My voice sound so different. :P
Ok, guess that's all I have to say folks. Hastala Bye Bye!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I'm sick of blogging.
Hey. Hi. Hello. I'm lazy to blog. Ok. Today, I'm very happy coz my last paper was today. Yey. But in another way, I'm sad coz I didn't do well for the paper. Boohoo. Erh, have to make a new playlist. What the hell is wrong with the old playist?! Asshole. Yahoo. I can't wait to go out with baby bear. :) Miss her so much. I just gotta meet her. One day is like one month without seeing her. :( Yey! Got my emotions back!! :D Ok, here's a music video of a song I kinda like right now. Take a look at the girls around him! They're so HOT! ;)
That's right Marielyn. You're my one love, my one heart, my one life for sure. Let me tell you one time~ ;)
That's right Marielyn. You're my one love, my one heart, my one life for sure. Let me tell you one time~ ;)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My finger nails were buffed!
I've been busy with EYE so yah, that explains why. And i almost forget my password. O.O
For EYE, i passed all subjects except humanities, which is geography and social studies. :( Gah! I can actually pass my ss if i did all the SBQ questions. Stupid ah! Why do i take so much time to think?? Hate myself. :'(
Ok, time to talk about today. I got my finger nails buffed! XD Honestly, i don't think its gay. Its just making your nails shiny that's all. Its just being hygenic and clean u know? Now i know how to buff! :D First, u rub your nails with the blue rough surface, then the gray surface and then the white rubber-like surface. Its damn simple! :D Marielyn!!! Why u don't have a buffer? If u have one, i can borrow it and i'll use it everyday so my finger nails look beautiful!!! XD
I ate dinner 1 hour ago. I drank 2 oreo crush bubble tea today. Haha! So random. :P
I feel so good today! :D I know how to do venn diagrams! My dad taught me how! XD Then did 3 hours of studying maths! Oh btw, my O Level Maths Papers are on this coming tuesday and wednesday. O.O AHHHHHH! SO SCARY!!!!!!
And........ I made her happy again. :) I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!! I couldn't resist that i kissed her cheek in class!! O.O oops. I hope no one saw it. Hehe. So embarassing..
Ok, that's all for today. On 11 Nov 2009, I WILL RETURN!!
Wish me luck for the O Level exams! SEE YAZZZZZZ!!!
I've been busy with EYE so yah, that explains why. And i almost forget my password. O.O
For EYE, i passed all subjects except humanities, which is geography and social studies. :( Gah! I can actually pass my ss if i did all the SBQ questions. Stupid ah! Why do i take so much time to think?? Hate myself. :'(
Ok, time to talk about today. I got my finger nails buffed! XD Honestly, i don't think its gay. Its just making your nails shiny that's all. Its just being hygenic and clean u know? Now i know how to buff! :D First, u rub your nails with the blue rough surface, then the gray surface and then the white rubber-like surface. Its damn simple! :D Marielyn!!! Why u don't have a buffer? If u have one, i can borrow it and i'll use it everyday so my finger nails look beautiful!!! XD
I ate dinner 1 hour ago. I drank 2 oreo crush bubble tea today. Haha! So random. :P
I feel so good today! :D I know how to do venn diagrams! My dad taught me how! XD Then did 3 hours of studying maths! Oh btw, my O Level Maths Papers are on this coming tuesday and wednesday. O.O AHHHHHH! SO SCARY!!!!!!
And........ I made her happy again. :) I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!! I couldn't resist that i kissed her cheek in class!! O.O oops. I hope no one saw it. Hehe. So embarassing..
Ok, that's all for today. On 11 Nov 2009, I WILL RETURN!!
Wish me luck for the O Level exams! SEE YAZZZZZZ!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Went to bearbear's house for the first time
Whazzup! Ich bin Zakir!! Hahahaha! XD
Watched too much Bruno already. XP Ok last night, I went to Marielyn's house for the first time. Her house is like a safari! There's like stuffed animals everywhere! XD When I entered her house, I found some kids playing with these two huge stuffed tigers! I was shocked at first cuz the tigers looked real. O.O Ooh! And she wore pink baju kurung! Haha! She looked so pretty wearing it. ;) The food was ok. I was hungry at that time so I ate a lot of the rice. Hehe. Oh! I've just remembered! She didn't cook Mee Siam! D: She said she was gonna cook. Ah! Never mind. =.= Her bed is so comfortable too! That's becoz its a water bed! :D I really felt like sleeping when I lay on her bed! O.O Haha! And her pictures when she was a kid! IT IS SO CUTE!!!!! XD Even now she is still cute. :) After eating, we played Bunga Api outside along with the other guys and her brother. And her brother's friend too. It was fun! :D I took 3 of the Bunga Api and burn it altogether! It felt like its gonna explode or something but actually its not. Haha! Then, I told her bro to burn the rest altogether and he did. He placed them on the floor and burnt them. The flame turned out huge!!! It was so bright that it can lit the whole block!! O.O Ok, I exaggerated. :P But it is really bright. Oh! I was so scared to use her toilet. I went in and realised I cannot lock the door! So, I had to pee with the door slightly OPENED! Dx Actually, it can lock. Marielyn said you have to turn the knob anti-clockwise to lock it. Ugh! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER!!!!! Luckily no one went in ah. It'll be so embarassing if someone did. X(
I think that's all the highlights I could remember. So yeah.
Gah! I can't text or call. My prepaid card is out of value. Sorry bearbear. Can't talk to you for today. :'(
Ok, gotta go study already. Bye.
Watched too much Bruno already. XP Ok last night, I went to Marielyn's house for the first time. Her house is like a safari! There's like stuffed animals everywhere! XD When I entered her house, I found some kids playing with these two huge stuffed tigers! I was shocked at first cuz the tigers looked real. O.O Ooh! And she wore pink baju kurung! Haha! She looked so pretty wearing it. ;) The food was ok. I was hungry at that time so I ate a lot of the rice. Hehe. Oh! I've just remembered! She didn't cook Mee Siam! D: She said she was gonna cook. Ah! Never mind. =.= Her bed is so comfortable too! That's becoz its a water bed! :D I really felt like sleeping when I lay on her bed! O.O Haha! And her pictures when she was a kid! IT IS SO CUTE!!!!! XD Even now she is still cute. :) After eating, we played Bunga Api outside along with the other guys and her brother. And her brother's friend too. It was fun! :D I took 3 of the Bunga Api and burn it altogether! It felt like its gonna explode or something but actually its not. Haha! Then, I told her bro to burn the rest altogether and he did. He placed them on the floor and burnt them. The flame turned out huge!!! It was so bright that it can lit the whole block!! O.O Ok, I exaggerated. :P But it is really bright. Oh! I was so scared to use her toilet. I went in and realised I cannot lock the door! So, I had to pee with the door slightly OPENED! Dx Actually, it can lock. Marielyn said you have to turn the knob anti-clockwise to lock it. Ugh! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER!!!!! Luckily no one went in ah. It'll be so embarassing if someone did. X(
I think that's all the highlights I could remember. So yeah.
Gah! I can't text or call. My prepaid card is out of value. Sorry bearbear. Can't talk to you for today. :'(
Ok, gotta go study already. Bye.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Helluuuuu! Today, I went to JP after to sch with bearbear to buy her bro's birthday gift. She bought a lamp which is also a clock for him at Action City. Or maybe its a clock which is also a lamp? I dunno. Ok maybe I'll just call it clamp. Or maybe clomp? Ugh! Whateva! :P And the breadou was so so so real. Plus, I was so hungry at that time! I didn't eat lunch yet. :S I almost bite it. XP Then, we went to Burger King to eat. Wooh! I was so bloated after that. Oh! And SOMEONE forced me to eat the last 3 onion rings! D: Ooh! I just realised i ate fast food for lunch and dinner! :O Oh no! That's bad. I ate McDonald's for dinner. Aiyoh! Gotta work out!
Friday, September 18, 2009
My fringe was cut by an unexperienced barber
GREETINGSSSSSS!!!!! Today is the day when Ms Fizah realised that my finge is damn long. Hah! Slow. I think I need to cut it. Its so annoying and my eyes hurt. Even though having long fringe makes you look awesome, its irritating to have one. :P I still want my fringe to look not-so-long so I asked me Marielyn to cut it for me. :) She did a great job actually! That was because her friend,(Sheryl I think?) helped her out. Maybe, without her friend, my fringe will be a total disaster. She even had an intention to cut bangs! D: Luckily, she listened to me and followed what I asked her to do. Haha! Remember Marielyn, "Always listen to your boyfriend!" XD
*checks fringe* Ooh! My fringe is still longer than yours Marielyn! Haha! Nanee nanee pu pu!! Ok, gotta go! Hastala vista suckersssssss!!!
Oh! Thanks for the trim Marielyn. :) You should cut my hair again next time! Haha!
*checks fringe* Ooh! My fringe is still longer than yours Marielyn! Haha! Nanee nanee pu pu!! Ok, gotta go! Hastala vista suckersssssss!!!
Oh! Thanks for the trim Marielyn. :) You should cut my hair again next time! Haha!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Why won't she forgive me?
Why won't she forgive me? Why? Why won't she understand that I don't get a lot of privileges? It is just so hard...
I even cried! CRIED. :'( I've apologised to her several times and she won't forgive me? Fine. I'll apologise again now.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
If you still won't forgive me, I just want you to know that I'll still love you. :')
I even cried! CRIED. :'( I've apologised to her several times and she won't forgive me? Fine. I'll apologise again now.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn. I’m sorry Marielyn.
If you still won't forgive me, I just want you to know that I'll still love you. :')
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
In the spirit of celebrating Hari Raya
Yo! Making pineapple tarts right now! :D Yesterday I made kuih makmur. Haha!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Who the hell is momo?
Hey guys. It has been quite a long time since I last use the comp. Hehe. Got no time. :P
HELP ME!!!!! I need a Maths tutor. I did really bad for my Maths paper 1. I left a lot of blanks! :'( I wish that there's someone out there who's sweet enough to teach me Maths. PLEASE! Anyone?! Who's damn good at Maths! BE MY MATHS TUTOR!!!!
Ok! Enough of this desperate thing for Maths! Let's just focus on the title. Erhem! WHO THE HELL IS MOMO?? There's this stranger who texted me on last Wednesday named "momo". The weird thing was that this momo here knows which primary school I'm from, my current class and my name! :0 Was momo a stalker or something?? Momo even thought that I'm hot! What the hell? I ignored momo for a few hours. Then, momo texted again. That time I was really pissed off. Momo thinks that momo is hotter than my girlfriend and wants me to reply. What an asshole! Hey momo! There's no way I'm gonna dump Marielyn and date you! I don't care whether you're hot or NOT! Plus, how am I suppose to know whether you exist if you won't wanna tell me your real name or show yourself? And how in the hell did you get my phone number from?? I asked everyone I knew that has my phone number whether they knew this momo person and none of them knew. I tried calling momo but momo won't answer. Maybe momo was using someone's phone. Hey momo! Don't try to create trouble. Please. Its a waste of time. I pity the real owner of the phone you were using. Some of my friends kept calling and I'm sure the owner was annoyed. You know what? I'm gonna ignore this momo. Pfft. Asshole.
Oh yah! My nickname was changed from Kairalyn to Taszy. Why Marielyn? I prefer Kairalyn. i really like my girlish name. Its so SWEET!! If I have a daughter, I would name her Kairalyn. It is such a nice name! :) Okie dookie! I think that's all folks. I hope I have the time to blog again. Erm......... Maybe not. 'O' Level Maths and Malay Exams are near. Haizz! So stress. Oh well, better prepare a dozen cans of RedBull and tubes of Oxy 10. XP
See ya.
HELP ME!!!!! I need a Maths tutor. I did really bad for my Maths paper 1. I left a lot of blanks! :'( I wish that there's someone out there who's sweet enough to teach me Maths. PLEASE! Anyone?! Who's damn good at Maths! BE MY MATHS TUTOR!!!!
Ok! Enough of this desperate thing for Maths! Let's just focus on the title. Erhem! WHO THE HELL IS MOMO?? There's this stranger who texted me on last Wednesday named "momo". The weird thing was that this momo here knows which primary school I'm from, my current class and my name! :0 Was momo a stalker or something?? Momo even thought that I'm hot! What the hell? I ignored momo for a few hours. Then, momo texted again. That time I was really pissed off. Momo thinks that momo is hotter than my girlfriend and wants me to reply. What an asshole! Hey momo! There's no way I'm gonna dump Marielyn and date you! I don't care whether you're hot or NOT! Plus, how am I suppose to know whether you exist if you won't wanna tell me your real name or show yourself? And how in the hell did you get my phone number from?? I asked everyone I knew that has my phone number whether they knew this momo person and none of them knew. I tried calling momo but momo won't answer. Maybe momo was using someone's phone. Hey momo! Don't try to create trouble. Please. Its a waste of time. I pity the real owner of the phone you were using. Some of my friends kept calling and I'm sure the owner was annoyed. You know what? I'm gonna ignore this momo. Pfft. Asshole.
Oh yah! My nickname was changed from Kairalyn to Taszy. Why Marielyn? I prefer Kairalyn. i really like my girlish name. Its so SWEET!! If I have a daughter, I would name her Kairalyn. It is such a nice name! :) Okie dookie! I think that's all folks. I hope I have the time to blog again. Erm......... Maybe not. 'O' Level Maths and Malay Exams are near. Haizz! So stress. Oh well, better prepare a dozen cans of RedBull and tubes of Oxy 10. XP
See ya.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Messed Up
GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!! Ugh! Had the Teacher's Day performance audition today. It was the first time I sang in front of a lot of people and I've MESSED UP!! I think I sang well but I kept forgetting the lyrics!! Plus, Sabrina and Syibli did not sang their parts properly! I ended up singing Syibli's chorus part. (=_=) Oh man.... I have a feeling that we're not gonna make it. Haizz! We better make it alright! We've practised damn hard and I really hope it's worth it even though we've concentrated 100% on the original one and not the acoustic!! It will be a total miracle if we manage to make it.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
I really do too. :)
I really do too. :)
My hair was red and I like it a lot. (^_^)
BOO!! Yesterday was fun! I sprayed my hair red! Not the whole hair but only the fringe. Its so cool! XD After NDP celebration is over, me, Marielyn, Sabrina and Syibli went to Bugis to jam. Well, Marielyn didn't do anything actually. She just sat there and watch. I wanted her to try the drums but she didin't want. I wanna teach her but too bad she doesn't want. Wouldn't it be cool if she knew how to play at least one musical instrument? :) Oh! And it was the best jamming studio I had ever went. The drum was good and I think everything's good! :D Then, we kept changing instruments. I think everyone manage to play all the instruments! We played a lot of random songs. Actually, we were suppose to play umbrella but we got sick of playing it so we just play any songs that we know randomly and it was awesome!! XD Hey Syibli, next time we should jam with Sabrina again! She's a good guitarist. :) After jamming, me and Marielyn went to Banquet at Raffles Hospital and had lunch. Then, we went to Jurong East interchange and take 98 home. While waiting for the bus, we drank bubble tea coz we were very thirsty after jamming. And, we saw some guys from Dunearn and also Qistina with her family I think. Yeah. So I think that's all. SEE YA!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
SL Farewell Dinner
Hey guys!! Yesterday was so freakin' AWESOME!! And OMG!! Marielyn looked so gorgeous!! I was mesmerised at that time. :) Ok, let me start from wat happened first. First,I took photos with the other Sec4 SLs. Then, when into the restaurant, find my table, say hi to everyone at my table. I sat, look behind, and saw this beautiful girl with beautiful blue eyes. IT'S MARIELYN! :) I went to her and she said hi. I became speechless for a minute. After that, I gave her compliments and talk and talk and talk. I wished I could stay longer but I realised that I was sitting on Afiq's chair and he was waiting for me to get lost. Oh man!! :( Then I went back to my table. When the first dish was served, I saw a puny lizard on my table!! All my buddies that sat with me were all screaming like girls, (all of them are guys, 2 are girls). I took a tissue and caught the lizard with it, and threw it away. HAHA! I SAVED THE DAY!!! :D Ok, I think I'm gonna give yall the highlights coz there's really a lot of stuff that happened u know! :0 MOVING ON!! Marielyn sang great even though she didn't manage to sing the high-pitched part properly!! :) When she finished singing, I yelled "U're my biggest fan!!". I dunno why I yelled that. Maybe I was too drunk at that time. I was actually trying to shout "I'm your biggest fan". Everyone laughed at me. Man! Felt so pai seh. :S And then there's...... Oh! The Whose Line Is It Anyway game! The game is pretty cool and everyone that participated was funny! :D Oh yah! Then there's this guy who could beatbox and, Rizam and Zul had to dance. Their dancing was so damn hilarious!! Couldn't stop laughing. :'D After that, I went home with Marielyn. We walked bare-footed to West Mall's bus-stop and then took the bus. :) When we were walking bare-footed passed the place near to CSC, we saw this huge insect! It flew madly when we tried to avoid it! Ugh! It makes me twitch whenever I think of the insect. It looks kinda like a grasshopper. Maybe a mantis? I dunno! It was dark! When we were taking 187, I started to fell sleepy and almost fell asleep. Everytime I woke up, she would tell me to sleep and close my eyelids using her fingers. Eh? Was she trying to ditch me?? Maybe she was trying to leave me when I was sleeping!! :0 Luckily, I didn't sleep in the bus. HAHA! Hmmm... I think dats all I can say. Oh! The photos? They will be uploaded someday... Just wait ok? :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wasting time blogging, trying to avoid boredom but I don't think its working
Ok, today was fine. I took the bus this morning and it was raining so I brought this purple umbrella to sch. I think I look like a "pimp" walking with the umbrella but most people thought I was an old man. What the hell! :o Oh! And I'm curious, why do people think that purple is a gay colour?? I think purple is nice. Just becoz Barney is purple and GAY, that doesn't mean that purple is a gay colour. Colours are all created by god and we should appreciate god's creation no matter how hideous or gay they are. Wow. Now I feel like I'm Tyra Banks. :P After sch, I had 'O' level Listening Comprehension (Malay). It was ok. I slept while waiting for it to be broadcasted on the radio. Haha! It felt gd. :) Then, as usual, I went home with Marielyn but we took 187 twice today! We alighted near West Mall when we took the first bus. We alighted near West Mall coz its the nearest bus-stop that we could alight. Oh! You guys might be wondering why we alight rite? Ok, its becoz there's this young lady who told me to catch her wallet when we were at the bus. I catched it but a 50cent coin dropped and it rolled all the way to the bottom of this woman's seat. After retrieving the coin, the young lady told me that the woman was actually her dad's friend! :o SO............... We alight. Then we took the second bus. We alighted this bus too coz its too packed and its really uncomfortable. Luckily, we alighted near to my bus-stop so I don't have to take a third bus. :) Hey! I just realised that Marielyn took 3 buses to get home! Oh no.... She'll probably blame me for wasting her ez-link card value. Ok, that's all for today and I'm still bored. Real bummer. Maybe I'll study a little bit later. Its much more beneficent don't u think?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Doomsday (Malay oral)
My oral didn't go so well.. :( The topic was actually simple but I just can't answer it using proper Malay words. Ugh! I'm so dumb! I'm a Malay guy who can't even speak Malay properly.. :( I wished that we don't have to learn 2 languages in sch. That way, we'll be able to focus totally on one language. Darn it! Oh well, I'll just have to concentrate on other subjects then.
My oral didn't go so well.. :( The topic was actually simple but I just can't answer it using proper Malay words. Ugh! I'm so dumb! I'm a Malay guy who can't even speak Malay properly.. :( I wished that we don't have to learn 2 languages in sch. That way, we'll be able to focus totally on one language. Darn it! Oh well, I'll just have to concentrate on other subjects then.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Marielyn's a demon from heaven :)
Marielyn's weird again!!! :D Today, she's so sweet enough to wait at sch for me after I've done with Friday prayers and what she called "my date with mr supandi" after sch. Thanks for waiting Marielyn. :) Then, on the bus, she grabbed my phone when I was using it! How rude! :D She grabbed it first then asked my permission. Haha! She kept using my mini DICtionary to find words that are........
I didn't know she's .......... :)
After she used my mini DICtionary, she told me to take it. I wanna take it back but she won't let go and kept insisting me to take it. We ended up having a tug war. See?? She's mean rite? As a retribution, I took away her chemistry book. WAHAHAHA! Now we're even. :) Don't worry, I'll take good care of your book Marielyn. Promise. Hehehehe.
Summary: Marielyn can be good at certain times, but she's bad almost everytime. :)
Ok, maybe I'm bad too...
I didn't know she's .......... :)
After she used my mini DICtionary, she told me to take it. I wanna take it back but she won't let go and kept insisting me to take it. We ended up having a tug war. See?? She's mean rite? As a retribution, I took away her chemistry book. WAHAHAHA! Now we're even. :) Don't worry, I'll take good care of your book Marielyn. Promise. Hehehehe.
Summary: Marielyn can be good at certain times, but she's bad almost everytime. :)
Ok, maybe I'm bad too...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Just hanging around Guilin... :)
Today was fun! Me and Marielyn went to Guilin! :D Haha! Marielyn had never been there before so I suggested that we go there. :) Well, actually we were tired after sch and we wanna chill so, we've decided to chill at Guilin. There, we challenged who could throw a stone the furthest to the lake and suprisingly, she threw quite far! I think she got arms of a boy! HAHAHAHA! :'D Then, she took a twig that I found and broke it in 2! I told her that she is bad coz had murdered the poor and innocent twig but then she went to some place near to a tree and buried the twig. After that, she said "See? I'm nice." Haha! Ok, u're nice. :) Then, we gave the twig 1 minute of silence as a respect I think? That was her idea btw. We've waited for 1 minute but she kept whispering to me "Hey, is it 1 minute already?" during the silence thingie. I don't think she know what's the meaning of SILENCE. :) Next, we sat again and threw stones at each other and ended up having a war. The aftermath? There were stones inside our uniform. It was really stupid but it was kinda fun! U guys should try it! :D Ok! That's all folks!
!eyb eyB
!eyb eyB
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Marielyn's weird today. :)
Today was really weird! I've never seen Marielyn being so hyped before! She said that she got "Hype Flu". We were walking home from school and she started asking crazy questions! I won't tell coz I think Marielyn will be embarassed about it. :) Then, she met this girl at some bus-stop in Jurong West, she was her primary school friend if I'm not wrong, but she's not sure. So, she stood in front of the girl while pointing her index finger to the girl and asked "Who's that huh?" Hahahahahahahaha!!! :'D I laughed the minute she asked her friend that question. Then, I realised that Hype Flu can not only cause hypeness but also rudeness. :D This Hype Flu really makes her go crazy but I like it. :) Its great to hear her talk more about crazy stuff! Its rare to find her in a crazy kind of mood u know? Ya, so that's all I have to say for today. See ya!
Photos at Paris were uploaded at my facebook. I wanna upload here but you can't upload more than 5 pics so...... yeah.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Back from Paris
Bonjour! Paris was great! Get to climb the Eiffel Tower, went to Notre Dame, went to the mosque at Paris, went to the Wax Museum, went to this museum where there's the actual painting of Mona Lisa, go shopping at Lavalle Village (there's a sale), and the best of all, I went to Disneyland!!! :D They all sound fun but it wouldn't be too fun if there's no buddy around you. Sadly, I did not have a buddy. :( The food was ok but you'll get sick eating them over and over again for the days. :s Pictures will be uploaded soon. :)
Woah! MJ died when I came back? Bummer. I don't really listen to his songs but I respect him. He's the King of Pop! There won't be Justin Timberlake or Chris Brown if MJ didn't exist! He's the first person to make the moonwalk rite? I dunno. I think so? Anyway, he's ok but weird thing is that he's a paedophile. Sick. :P Moving on!
Today, I performed at this Dunearn Reunion Gig thing. Argh! Made a lot of mistakes but everyone said that I was ok. Quite tiring. After that, me and Marielyn went to Vivo City to have dinner. On the way to Vivo, she gave me this spongy yellow <3 that she made by herself. :) I'm so touched. :') Thank you so much Marielyn! I LOVE YOU! :D After dinner, we went to Toys R Us and played this Leap Frog game. I kept winning the game but then she got so pissed that she hit me with a plastic sword! Haha! :D It was the first time she hit me and it feels great! :) Then blah blah blah, we went home.
That's all I have to say for today. The End!
Woah! MJ died when I came back? Bummer. I don't really listen to his songs but I respect him. He's the King of Pop! There won't be Justin Timberlake or Chris Brown if MJ didn't exist! He's the first person to make the moonwalk rite? I dunno. I think so? Anyway, he's ok but weird thing is that he's a paedophile. Sick. :P Moving on!
Today, I performed at this Dunearn Reunion Gig thing. Argh! Made a lot of mistakes but everyone said that I was ok. Quite tiring. After that, me and Marielyn went to Vivo City to have dinner. On the way to Vivo, she gave me this spongy yellow <3 that she made by herself. :) I'm so touched. :') Thank you so much Marielyn! I LOVE YOU! :D After dinner, we went to Toys R Us and played this Leap Frog game. I kept winning the game but then she got so pissed that she hit me with a plastic sword! Haha! :D It was the first time she hit me and it feels great! :) Then blah blah blah, we went home.
That's all I have to say for today. The End!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Yo! What's up guys! I've updated my playlist. These are all my favourite All Time Low songs. Hope you guys love it! :) Fyi, it is arranged from the oldest to the newest.
Gah! I'm glad my medicine's finished! I don't have to take it eva again! Its so bitter. BLEUK!! :P I felt sick the next day I came back from Batam which was last 2 weeks I think? OH! Fyi you guys, I'll be going to Paris on the 15th of June, which is this coming Monday, for 10 days. Why I going there? Vacation of course! What do you guys think?! I hope I'll have fun there. But there's a slight problem. I'm unable to contact or text Marielyn FOR 10 DAYS! So sad. :'( Gah! She'll get bored for sure. If I'm not wrong, she has made a project called "MTDTKBWZNA" to keep herself away from boredom. I really hope it works well. I'm so sorry Marielyn. Becoz of this trip, I'm unable to spent more time with you during this holiday. :(
Ok, I think that's it. I'll update yall when I came back.
I'm gonna miss you Marielyn. Kuh jhu taim Marielyn! :D
Gah! I'm glad my medicine's finished! I don't have to take it eva again! Its so bitter. BLEUK!! :P I felt sick the next day I came back from Batam which was last 2 weeks I think? OH! Fyi you guys, I'll be going to Paris on the 15th of June, which is this coming Monday, for 10 days. Why I going there? Vacation of course! What do you guys think?! I hope I'll have fun there. But there's a slight problem. I'm unable to contact or text Marielyn FOR 10 DAYS! So sad. :'( Gah! She'll get bored for sure. If I'm not wrong, she has made a project called "MTDTKBWZNA" to keep herself away from boredom. I really hope it works well. I'm so sorry Marielyn. Becoz of this trip, I'm unable to spent more time with you during this holiday. :(
Ok, I think that's it. I'll update yall when I came back.
I'm gonna miss you Marielyn. Kuh jhu taim Marielyn! :D
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Second Date at Sentosa :D
Hey guys!! Last Thursday was awesome!! It was my second date with MARIELYN!! Woohoo!! :D We went to Sentosa! But unfortunately we only manage to roam Siloso and Imbiah and we don't have much time. :( At first, we went to Imbiah and we walk blah blah blah. Then, we took the Skyride 3 times! The view was so beautiful and we took pics! The best part was that it stopped for 10 seconds! Yeah! :D After that, we went to Ben and Jerry's coz SOMEONE really wanna go there. Hehe. :) It was my first time to try the chunky monkey flavour and its great, just like she said. :) Then, we made our very own Chocolate Chunky Strawberry Monkey Cheese Ice-Cream Soup! It had a lot of flavours! It'll change flavour every 2 seconds if you swallow it! Next, we went to this Imbiah Trail and THERE'S NO ONE THERE! We walk for hours I think and we suffered a lot of bites along the way. Ugh! Still itch. :S And then................................. I'm not gonna tell yall this one. Its so embarassing for me. :P If yall wanna know just ask her yourself! Haha!
Okie! I think that's all I have to say so......................... Hastala Goodbye! :D
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
After 1 month! We are still together! <3
What's up guys! Do yall wanna something? Its been 1 month since me and Marielyn were dating! :D Wait, actually 1 month and 5 days! We started dating when its Marielyn's birthday which is the 28th April. Haha! She got a boyfriend for her birthday! What a cool present! :D
Its too bad that we didn't get to celebrate on the 28th May itself becoz of Sec3 camp. Bummer. :(
But at least I got her something! JELLY BEANS!! :D I bought it when I was at the airport during my advanced elective module. Hope she likes it!
On the last day of school, which is the day before 28th May, we've decided to WALK ALL THE WAY HOME FROM SCHOOL. It was so tiring omg! I wonder why she didn't feel tired at all. Really odd. But the best thing was that we get to spent more time together. :) Its a great exercise btw.
Okiedokie, that is all I have to say but before I end, I just wanna say I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU MARIELYN!!! You're the most sweetest person I have ever met. Thanks for being my girlfriend. :)
Its too bad that we didn't get to celebrate on the 28th May itself becoz of Sec3 camp. Bummer. :(
But at least I got her something! JELLY BEANS!! :D I bought it when I was at the airport during my advanced elective module. Hope she likes it!
On the last day of school, which is the day before 28th May, we've decided to WALK ALL THE WAY HOME FROM SCHOOL. It was so tiring omg! I wonder why she didn't feel tired at all. Really odd. But the best thing was that we get to spent more time together. :) Its a great exercise btw.
Okiedokie, that is all I have to say but before I end, I just wanna say I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE YOU MARIELYN!!! You're the most sweetest person I have ever met. Thanks for being my girlfriend. :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
1. Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss?
-I dunno, anywhere I guess?
2. How do you feel when you wake up this morning?
-Not tired! Haha!
3. Who was the last person you took photo with?
4. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
-A firm NO.
5. Would you ever donate blood?
-I would! If I have one. :)
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
-Yes. :)
7. Do you want someone dead?
8. What does your last message says?
-Yeah! Ok, gd nite then! I love u! :D
9. What are you thinking right now?
-MARIELYN! :D and also stuff to do during the holidays.
10. Do you wish someone to be with you right now?
-Yepp. :)
11. What is the time you go to bed last night?
-3.45 am
12. Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
13. Is someone on your mind?
-Yes. :)
14. Who was the last person who texted you?
-Marielyn. :)
15. Tag 10 random people to do this survey.
-Zac Efron
-Cassadee Pope
-Spongebob Squarepants
-Darth Vader
16. Who is no. 2 (Syibli)having relationship with?
17. Is no. 3 (Syakir) a male or female?
18. If no. 7 (Sabrina)& no. 10 (Shawn) get together, would it be a good thing?
-I don't think so......
19. What is no. 1(Marielyn) studying about?
-I dunno. I don't think we would want to study during the holidays rite? But maybe when its almost school re-opens! Yeah.
20. When was the last time you had a chat with no.1 (Marielyn)?
-Last nite. 3.40am
21. Is no. 4 (Zac Efron)single?
-Nope. :) He's with vanessa.
22. Say something about no. 3(Syakir).
-SHADE's in da house homie!
23. What do you think about no. 3(Syakir) & no. 5(Cassadee Pope) being together?
-Never gonna happen.
24. Descibe no. 9(Darth Vader).
-He's evil.
25. What will you do if no. 6 (Belinda) & no. 7 (Sabrina) fight?
-I don't think they'll fight. They're peaceful people. :D
26. Do you like no. 8(Spongbebob Squarepants)
-I dunno, anywhere I guess?
2. How do you feel when you wake up this morning?
-Not tired! Haha!
3. Who was the last person you took photo with?
4. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
-A firm NO.
5. Would you ever donate blood?
-I would! If I have one. :)
6. Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
-Yes. :)
7. Do you want someone dead?
8. What does your last message says?
-Yeah! Ok, gd nite then! I love u! :D
9. What are you thinking right now?
-MARIELYN! :D and also stuff to do during the holidays.
10. Do you wish someone to be with you right now?
-Yepp. :)
11. What is the time you go to bed last night?
-3.45 am
12. Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
13. Is someone on your mind?
-Yes. :)
14. Who was the last person who texted you?
-Marielyn. :)
15. Tag 10 random people to do this survey.
-Zac Efron
-Cassadee Pope
-Spongebob Squarepants
-Darth Vader
16. Who is no. 2 (Syibli)having relationship with?
17. Is no. 3 (Syakir) a male or female?
18. If no. 7 (Sabrina)& no. 10 (Shawn) get together, would it be a good thing?
-I don't think so......
19. What is no. 1(Marielyn) studying about?
-I dunno. I don't think we would want to study during the holidays rite? But maybe when its almost school re-opens! Yeah.
20. When was the last time you had a chat with no.1 (Marielyn)?
-Last nite. 3.40am
21. Is no. 4 (Zac Efron)single?
-Nope. :) He's with vanessa.
22. Say something about no. 3(Syakir).
-SHADE's in da house homie!
23. What do you think about no. 3(Syakir) & no. 5(Cassadee Pope) being together?
-Never gonna happen.
24. Descibe no. 9(Darth Vader).
-He's evil.
25. What will you do if no. 6 (Belinda) & no. 7 (Sabrina) fight?
-I don't think they'll fight. They're peaceful people. :D
26. Do you like no. 8(Spongbebob Squarepants)
Friday, May 22, 2009
:) or :( ?
Hey guys. I'm feeling weird today. I dunno whether I'm sad or happy today. I feel like I'm happy and sad at the same time. Ooh! I think I'm feeling SAPPY today!
FIRST! I'm sad because I've failed a lot of subjects. A LOT! To my estimation, I've failed 70% of all my subjects. Bummer. :'( I've slacked a lot this year and I'm so damn disappointed in myself. My marks are like way further from my expectations. The distance is like from Singapore to America! Seriously, I'm not exaggerating. PLUS! My student(cousin) failed her Maths paper! She wants me to teach her Maths because she thinks that I'm really good at Maths. I'm good at Maths but not anymore, sadly. :( This shows that I'm a lousy teacher! Hey, to be honest, Jurong Primary's Maths is really damn difficult I tell ya! Btw she's from Jurong Primary, Pri 5. There's this one time she asked me to help her in her homework. I tried it and you know what? I ended up using algebra and simultaneous equations to solve her questions! The funny thing was that I asked her whether she knew algebra or not and she was like "are you stupid or what?!" What was I thinking man?! I'm so dumb. After a while, I realised that algebra and simultaneous equations are secondary 1 stuff. Hehe. Silly me. :p NEXT!!!!
Today I'm happy because I finally get to meet Marielyn after 3 long days!! 3 long days I tell ya!! I thought that I would never get to see her today because I have to go for Friday prayers(I'm such a good boy :p) but I was wrong! I met her on the bus when I was on my way back home! Yay! :D I was so happy at that time that I kept smiling while sending her home. I think she realised it. Hehe. She look so different with her hair short! To make sure that she's not an impostor, I gave her a short quiz about myself and she managed to answer all of them correctly. She's real! :D And her sleeping bag is kinda odd! It looks like a mattress being folded by force! But it has a humpty dumpty picture on it which I think it's cute. :) I want a sleeping bag like her's! I wonder where she bought it.
Okay! That's all I have to say for today! And fyi, sappy is not the same as feeling neutral. SEE YA!
FIRST! I'm sad because I've failed a lot of subjects. A LOT! To my estimation, I've failed 70% of all my subjects. Bummer. :'( I've slacked a lot this year and I'm so damn disappointed in myself. My marks are like way further from my expectations. The distance is like from Singapore to America! Seriously, I'm not exaggerating. PLUS! My student(cousin) failed her Maths paper! She wants me to teach her Maths because she thinks that I'm really good at Maths. I'm good at Maths but not anymore, sadly. :( This shows that I'm a lousy teacher! Hey, to be honest, Jurong Primary's Maths is really damn difficult I tell ya! Btw she's from Jurong Primary, Pri 5. There's this one time she asked me to help her in her homework. I tried it and you know what? I ended up using algebra and simultaneous equations to solve her questions! The funny thing was that I asked her whether she knew algebra or not and she was like "are you stupid or what?!" What was I thinking man?! I'm so dumb. After a while, I realised that algebra and simultaneous equations are secondary 1 stuff. Hehe. Silly me. :p NEXT!!!!
Today I'm happy because I finally get to meet Marielyn after 3 long days!! 3 long days I tell ya!! I thought that I would never get to see her today because I have to go for Friday prayers(I'm such a good boy :p) but I was wrong! I met her on the bus when I was on my way back home! Yay! :D I was so happy at that time that I kept smiling while sending her home. I think she realised it. Hehe. She look so different with her hair short! To make sure that she's not an impostor, I gave her a short quiz about myself and she managed to answer all of them correctly. She's real! :D And her sleeping bag is kinda odd! It looks like a mattress being folded by force! But it has a humpty dumpty picture on it which I think it's cute. :) I want a sleeping bag like her's! I wonder where she bought it.
Okay! That's all I have to say for today! And fyi, sappy is not the same as feeling neutral. SEE YA!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
WHAT TARNATION??!!!!! (American Idol 2009)
What the hell? Kris? KRIS? KRIS WON? There's gotta be a problem! I admit that Kris is a good singer but Adam is more fantabulous! I think that Ryan purposely announce that Kris is the winner but actually Adam is the winner! You wanna know why? If yall notice, Ryan looks a bit like Kris and because he thinks that he's soooooooo good-looking, the next American Idol should be as good-looking as him! Do yall agree? That's what I think. Hehe. :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
( >_< )
What's up guys! I'm really bored right now so I'm just gonna talk about stuffz that happen to day. Wait wait wait wait! I wanna give yall some info be4 I proceed. Ahemahem! Ok! When I'm bored or something fun or interesting had just happened, I'll write it on my blog. If I'm not bored and there's no fun stuff on that day, I won't write anything. Sometimes I don't have time to write even though there's fun stuff to share so..................BUMMER! Moving on!
Ok first! I'm so sad that I never get to text Marielyn today coz my card balance is reeeeeeeeaaaaaally low. $0.05 left to be exact. I'm so sorry Marielyn. :'(
Last night, she was talking about a dream she had and becoz of my damn card balance, I'm unable to make long discussions about her dream. If I'm not wrong, it was about her hiding from me and some other people who were trying to seek her at a forest. Really weird. I think me and the other people in the dream were VAMPIRES! Like the ones in Twilight! I'm like Edward Cullen gone haywire and desperate to search for FRESH HUMAN BLOOD! WAHAHAHAHA!
Don't worry Marielyn. If I were a real vampire, I will still bite you. :) You'll be a vampire too and that will be AWESOME!
Ok, hmmmm....... what to talk about today? Oh! I went to Ms Fizah's wedding celebration. CONGRATULATIONS Ms Fizah on her wedding! Haha! I wanna observe whether there's a slight change in her when she's married. Maybe she'll become more polite and stop giving us homework! Woohoooo! :D The food there is ok but the drink! It suppose to be fruit punch but it taste like those sport drinks and its bitter! :s So sorry that I don't have any pics to share. I took some pics at the wedding but its from some other guy's camera so.............TOO BAD! Haha!
I think Thaaaaaaat's All Folks!!
LOVE U Marielyn. ;)
And I assure you that I'll suck your blood if I'm a vampire.
Fyi, I'm a real vampire.
Ok first! I'm so sad that I never get to text Marielyn today coz my card balance is reeeeeeeeaaaaaally low. $0.05 left to be exact. I'm so sorry Marielyn. :'(
Last night, she was talking about a dream she had and becoz of my damn card balance, I'm unable to make long discussions about her dream. If I'm not wrong, it was about her hiding from me and some other people who were trying to seek her at a forest. Really weird. I think me and the other people in the dream were VAMPIRES! Like the ones in Twilight! I'm like Edward Cullen gone haywire and desperate to search for FRESH HUMAN BLOOD! WAHAHAHAHA!
Don't worry Marielyn. If I were a real vampire, I will still bite you. :) You'll be a vampire too and that will be AWESOME!
Ok, hmmmm....... what to talk about today? Oh! I went to Ms Fizah's wedding celebration. CONGRATULATIONS Ms Fizah on her wedding! Haha! I wanna observe whether there's a slight change in her when she's married. Maybe she'll become more polite and stop giving us homework! Woohoooo! :D The food there is ok but the drink! It suppose to be fruit punch but it taste like those sport drinks and its bitter! :s So sorry that I don't have any pics to share. I took some pics at the wedding but its from some other guy's camera so.............TOO BAD! Haha!
I think Thaaaaaaat's All Folks!!
LOVE U Marielyn. ;)
And I assure you that I'll suck your blood if I'm a vampire.
Fyi, I'm a real vampire.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Running nose suck 2 the core!
What's up guys! I managed to keep my promise! I did 5hrs of Additional Maths revision! BOO YAH!!!! I got distracted of course but not because of my procastination. I got distracted because of my damn running nose! Its so irritating! I will sneeze every 5mins! I've made a mountain made out of used tissues on my study table! I wish I could take a picture of it but it will be gross. I managed to revise 3 chapters and I'm proud of myself. I manage to keep my promise. Haha. :)
Ok, there's nothing much for today so.......................................
Hastala bye bye!
Ok, there's nothing much for today so.......................................
Hastala bye bye!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Firstly, I wanna wish HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! to my mom, my grandmoms, my aunties and all of the other moms around the WORLD!
I'm so bloated right now. I had a Mother's Day celebration at my grandparents' house and there's food everywhere! Hmmmm........... Let's see what I have eaten just now. Ok! I started with the spaghetti, then 3 slices of pizzas, then beef steak, then some stuffz from POLAR, then a chocolate chip muffin, and finally, those puffs from Chewy Junior! Wow! That's a LOT!
Ooh! And I watched this Thailand movie called "Coming Soon". Its a horror movie and WHOA, its pretty scary. Its about some guys makin a horror movie but it turns out that some actor had DIED during the making of the movie! Eek! I'm not gonna tell you all the whole thing! I do not want any flashback about the show! Go watch it yourselves! Moving on!
My revision: For today, I didn't do any revision at all. Well, there's Mother's Day celebration and my tummy is gonna burst and I don't have the time so........ too bad. :)
Ok! I'm gonna make a promise to myself do my revision for 5 hrs straight for tmr! Ok, maybe a half and hour break wil do. Hehe. I just hope I won't get distracted. I'm easily distracted. Recently, for every revision, I will pause for a moment and day dream. Dreaming about what? That I won't tell you. That is for me to know and for you to find out! WAHAHAHAHA! :D
That's all I have to say for today so..............................................
Bye bye!
I'm so bloated right now. I had a Mother's Day celebration at my grandparents' house and there's food everywhere! Hmmmm........... Let's see what I have eaten just now. Ok! I started with the spaghetti, then 3 slices of pizzas, then beef steak, then some stuffz from POLAR, then a chocolate chip muffin, and finally, those puffs from Chewy Junior! Wow! That's a LOT!
Ooh! And I watched this Thailand movie called "Coming Soon". Its a horror movie and WHOA, its pretty scary. Its about some guys makin a horror movie but it turns out that some actor had DIED during the making of the movie! Eek! I'm not gonna tell you all the whole thing! I do not want any flashback about the show! Go watch it yourselves! Moving on!
My revision: For today, I didn't do any revision at all. Well, there's Mother's Day celebration and my tummy is gonna burst and I don't have the time so........ too bad. :)
Ok! I'm gonna make a promise to myself do my revision for 5 hrs straight for tmr! Ok, maybe a half and hour break wil do. Hehe. I just hope I won't get distracted. I'm easily distracted. Recently, for every revision, I will pause for a moment and day dream. Dreaming about what? That I won't tell you. That is for me to know and for you to find out! WAHAHAHAHA! :D
That's all I have to say for today so..............................................
Bye bye!
Hello people. I'm sad. I feel like crying. I think I'm gonna fail my Social Studies. I left an SEQ question BLANK! 1 and a half hours is not enough. If I got more time, I could have the chance to finish it up. Haizz! 13 marks gone. I'll be glad to get at least a borderline pass. Oh! For Geography, I think I can pass it. I completed all the questions but some of my answers are totally CRAP! Well, at least writing something is better than leaving it blank right? Okay! Enough of the negative stuffz! Let's see what's good about today............. OH! I sent Marielyn home. I realised that my hand is huge. I gave her a Hi-5 and she told me that my hand is huge.
Wait a second. Maybe her hands are small. :)
I like her smile. I told her her smile is like a crescent moon.
Ok, I think that's all for today. Good night everybody! Love you Marielyn! :D
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