Friday, September 4, 2009

Who the hell is momo?

Hey guys. It has been quite a long time since I last use the comp. Hehe. Got no time. :P
HELP ME!!!!! I need a Maths tutor. I did really bad for my Maths paper 1. I left a lot of blanks! :'( I wish that there's someone out there who's sweet enough to teach me Maths. PLEASE! Anyone?! Who's damn good at Maths! BE MY MATHS TUTOR!!!!
Ok! Enough of this desperate thing for Maths! Let's just focus on the title. Erhem! WHO THE HELL IS MOMO?? There's this stranger who texted me on last Wednesday named "momo". The weird thing was that this momo here knows which primary school I'm from, my current class and my name! :0 Was momo a stalker or something?? Momo even thought that I'm hot! What the hell? I ignored momo for a few hours. Then, momo texted again. That time I was really pissed off. Momo thinks that momo is hotter than my girlfriend and wants me to reply. What an asshole! Hey momo! There's no way I'm gonna dump Marielyn and date you! I don't care whether you're hot or NOT! Plus, how am I suppose to know whether you exist if you won't wanna tell me your real name or show yourself? And how in the hell did you get my phone number from?? I asked everyone I knew that has my phone number whether they knew this momo person and none of them knew. I tried calling momo but momo won't answer. Maybe momo was using someone's phone. Hey momo! Don't try to create trouble. Please. Its a waste of time. I pity the real owner of the phone you were using. Some of my friends kept calling and I'm sure the owner was annoyed. You know what? I'm gonna ignore this momo. Pfft. Asshole.

Oh yah! My nickname was changed from Kairalyn to Taszy. Why Marielyn? I prefer Kairalyn. i really like my girlish name. Its so SWEET!! If I have a daughter, I would name her Kairalyn. It is such a nice name! :) Okie dookie! I think that's all folks. I hope I have the time to blog again. Erm......... Maybe not. 'O' Level Maths and Malay Exams are near. Haizz! So stress. Oh well, better prepare a dozen cans of RedBull and tubes of Oxy 10. XP
See ya.

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